Unlike Zac Efron, who I don't think will ever let us down, Miley Cyrus is of course not doing so well. I remember, as I imagine my whole generation does, when Miley Cyrus wanted to be president, not a super slut ("Who Said"). It's time for her to listen to "Nobody's Perfect," and get her shit together.
"Everybody makes mistakes,
Everybody has those days,
Everybody knows what, what I'm talking 'bout,
Everybody gets that way."
Back to HSM, that was the height of Disney Channel and thinking about it just led to a whole sting of reminiscing about boiled eggs and Ravioli, croc, running, and the government not being shut down.
Until I was about ten years-old and my great grandmother moved to Midland, I was at my GG's all the time. I absolutely loved it there. I was completely spoiled at her house. We played dominos and Skip-Bo, watched Young and the Restless (so glad I'm over that show- why by the way was I watching that as a 10 year-old????), and once every couple of weeks, she took me to Walmart to get a new Harry Potter action figure. Yeah, I've always been a HP nerd. Anyway, when I was at GG's house, I only had two things for dinner: boiled eggs and ravioli, which is a tradition I am completely nostalgic about.
...Said no one ever, except my friend, Jennifer. The truth is, if I once loved Crocs, as well. They were comfy, and I miss the days (5th grade) when it was acceptable, even popular, to wear them. I had this one pair of them that I wore from 6th to 7th grade. They were green, and I decorated them with about 12 of those button things. Well maybe I didn't have 12, but I at least had like 6 of them. I had a soccer ball, a flower, I'm pretty sure there was a frog, and more. Anyway, I wore them long after I should have according to fashion trends and the general state of the shoes. You see, even when the strap snapped and I lost the thing that connected it to the shoe, itself, I just taped the strap to the shoe and kept on wearing them. I finally got a new pair. They were blue and I really liked them. One of the worst days of my childhood happened about two, maybe three, weeks after I got them, when I was walking through a creek and one of my Crocs got stuck in the mud. I was walking along, struggling in the mud a little bit, and all of a sudden I drew my foot up to take another step and felt complete freedom of motion- I had lost my shoe! But, in the moment it seemed like nothing too serious. It was when I went to put the Croc back on that I knew something was wrong. There was nothing there; the mud had swallowed my shoe :( It was pure misery. Not only had I lost my new shoe (and not even both of them- what is one to do with one shoe?), but I was going to have to walk the rest of the way with no shoes- YUCK! I was pretty sad at first, but then I realized that it was probably for the best. Crocs are cool; but you have to be pretty confident to wear them, and middle school just isn't the time to try to keep something in style once everyone has decided that it isn't cool.
Running. I used to be in cross country and track, but I never really enjoyed running as much as a competitive sport as I enjoyed it as a hobby. The summer before last, I was really fit and I started running again with my friend, Kathryn. We would go every night, starting around 10 or 11 p.m., and run 2, 3, sometimes 5 miles or ride our bikes. This was the point in my life in which I enjoyed running the most and when I was the best at it, and I really wanted to try to run a half marathon. But when volleyball season began, I didn't have time to run, and I just kind of stopped. Now I'm trying to get back into it, because I have decided to run the Austin Half Marathon in February!!! I'm really gonna do it this time! The plan I have chosen requires that the runner is running three miles on their long day, and then it takes 3 months to complete. I've been running on the treadmill in the cardio room once or twice a week, but only a mile at a time. So, I have determined that I am going to spend the month of October working my way up to three miles, and in November, start the half marathon training plan. I haven't actually registered yet, but this is one of the biggest commitments I have ever made. I really hope it works out and I can put that 13.1 sticker on my car.
Props to Jennifer for running all the time (don't think I mentioned that, but she does) and for owning and wearing like 7 pairs of Crocs, and I hope you all have a great day!
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